Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Prayer for Raising Our Children 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for our sons and daughters, we ask for wisdom, as we seek your strength in raising them, knowing the truth of your word.

Help us that we never hold them too tightly to ourselves or develop an attitude of parental selfishness, but help us to equip them to become strong and independent men of God; walking in a positive attitude of responsibility, wisdom and faithfulness to you father as they continue to grow older and take up their own positions in this world.

I pray that you will continue to nourish their hearts and minds with your word and holy spirit in times of stress or uncertainty in their lives; for them to be receptive to the wisdom of your holy words. Father continue to anoint them with wisdom, courage, prudence and great insight of the events to come, that they may discern between right and wrong.

Father we ask that you place in our sons and daughters a desire to pursue wisdom and understanding of your word, that only comes from above and to have the patience and courage to obey and teach it. Prevent them from being wise in their own eyes, but grow to fear you and shun evil. LORD we commit our sons and daughters into your hands to keep and nourish them in your spirit and protection.

We love them dearly father, yet we know that Your love for our sons and daughters far exceed the love that we could ever have, we pray that you keep them under the shadow of your protective wings; may Your holy spirit lead them and guide them into ALL truth and may they grow in Your grace and mature in the faith of Christ. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Amen

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