Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Prayer of Renewal 

Father, we kneel at your feet this day, we thank you for all that you’ve done for us thus far, especially in these dark times when the world seems to be in turmoil; we know that You are in control of all things, good and bad, we acknowledge Your grace and mercy at work in our lives. We also acknowledge and confess our sins to you, heavenly father, and we humbly ask for forgiveness of said sins and transgressions; create in us a clean heart, take not your holy spirit from us, refresh our souls and renew our spirits daily.

Father God we ask for your healing of our past pains and transgressions, we ask for forgiveness of our ancestors and their transgressions also. Continue to heal us from the hurt and insecurities of this evil wicked world. We need you, your holy spirit of protection and guidance every day of our lives. Thank you, Father, for giving us your son and his precious blood to cover our sins and the sins of our ancestors. Thank you for the blood that covers our family and friends in this truth, keeping us safe from harm, sickness and disease. We thank you Father for your holy angels providing comfort and protection around us, keeping us safe from the evils of this world.

Father, let our thoughts and words be that of your holy word; we seek to be closer to you with meekness and in true sincerity, we know that with You, all things are possible and all things are meant for our growth and learning. We ask that You bless and protect all of Israel that seeks You, that needs You and believes in You, your son, your word and do those things required in it. We also ask that their hearts be set free from sadness and depression, we ask that their bodies be freed from illness, we ask that their minds be set free of anxiety and worries. May your peace and serenity overcome all Israel and their cries be heard. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray these words. Amen.

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