Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 Prayer for Guidance


Magnificent God, Holy One of Israel, Today is a new day, a chance for a new start, Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes or failures we may have experienced. Today is a good day to be glad and give our Heavenly Father thanks, and right now, at this moment, we do this with humble hearts and contrite spirits. Thank you, Lord, for today, a new opportunity to love, appreciate, give, teach, heal, comfort, assist, encourage, and to build up; to be all that You want us to be, and do all that You require of us to do. Today, we want to start the day with you on our minds and in our hearts. As we dress ourselves, let us wear the armor of your word which you provide to us daily, the sword of your spirit which encourages the prayer on our tongues: offering praises to you, petitions on the behalf of those around us, and those of your people we meet daily. Continue to feed us with your daily bread, the bread of life, like the manna you provided to your people (our ancestors) in the wilderness, which sustains us throughout the many trials of this wicked world; we hunger and thirst for your knowledge and the understanding of your holy word in these dark times. Help us to set our thoughts upon the things from above, to speak the things that will help to encourage ourselves and all Israel. Keep and guard us from an evil tongue, help guard us from vile affections of our hearts today, Lord. As we start this day, remind us that we belong to you, our lives are not our own and our desires in this life should prove accordingly.

Father, we ask that you keep our feet from stumbling and our minds from wandering into the distractions of this wicked world that tends to steal precious time and energy from the most important things you have designed and require of us. Today and every day, we want to live our lives for you, Father. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray these words. Amen

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