Wednesday, December 30, 2020

ISRAELITES:{Evening} Bless our Home & Family

 Prayer to Bless our Home & Family 

Heavenly Father, you are the God of Israel, God of wisdom and understanding, God of love and peace, we pray that your perfect peace would fill our hearts and our home and that your gracious love would surround our family, that we might be united in truth and love being one with You. We pray that you bind us together in your word daily in sweet fellowship with one another in your presence. Give us wisdom and discernment daily, that we may deal with each other in righteousness and love. Thank you, Father, for providing all that we have and need, according to your riches in glory. We ask you Father to keep us from holding on too tightly to the material things of this world and concentrate on your ‘just reward’ you promised us in the next world to come. May your blessings continue to rest on this household and on all the righteous households of Israel; not only today but in the days to come, until the return of our redeemer comes to deliver us from the hand of our enemies in this world and takes us home to be with you in your presence forever. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray these words. Amen

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